Healthcare in Nigeria is plagued with several challenges. There’s a low doctor to patient ratio, 1:5100, and a lack of hospital beds, 5 beds per 10,000 people. The challenges are well documented with far-reaching consequences. Maternal mortality in Nigeria remains one of the highest in the world, with 800 deaths for every 100,000 live births.

Within the past decade, there has been an emergence of health entrepreneurs who are using technology and the internet to address some of the nation’s health problems. We are putting together a map and analysis of the health sector that examines the healthcare landscape and the solutions that these healthtech innovators are bringing to bear on the problems of access to quality and affordable healthcare in Nigeria.

If you are innovating around the healthcare space in Nigeria, we would like to hear from you.

Our goal is to ensure that we paint an accurate picture of the healthtech sector and provide actionable insights for investors, policymakers and healthtech entrepreneurs. Sign up here before November 30 to help us learn about your startup and to join us in achieving this goal.

Olanrewaju Odunowo Author

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