How to get promoted while working remotely | Fortune

The buzz around remote work in the past few years has gotten employees excited to work from the comfort of their couch. But remote work is not for everyone. Despite its many benefits and the high level of flexibility it offers, not everyone produces greater results when they shift to WFH.

You may be working hard even from home, but what if remote work is not working out for you? What if it is causing you to procrastinate and making you lose your productivity? Since remote work requires a lot of self-discipline, it may get difficult to actually understand that it is not right for you.

If you’re confused about going remote, look for the following signs to identify if you are excelling at remote work:

  • You are motivated to work:

One of the biggest challenges of remote work is the decline in motivation after a certain point. You have to have firm control over yourself to ensure you make the most of your day without any reminder from your manager.

Due to the multiple distractions in your premises every day, you may find it difficult to concentrate on work. If you can handle these distractions and still work with zest on maximum days, remote work is a good option for you.

  • You do not mind working alone:

Working alone from your home without any social engagement can make you feel lonely. Human beings thrive in a community and a lack of interaction with fellow workers can make you disengaged eventually. 

But some people actually perform better when they are left on their own. It helps them perform well as they are in control of their pace. Are you one of those? If yes, then there are good chances of remote being the ideal option for you. 

  • You can communicate effectively:

Remote work heavily relies on the right information being delivered in the right way. This means you will need excellent communication skills to be able to express thoughts in a way that someone can understand easily during a virtual call or in a written format.

Thankfully, it’s a skill that can be learned. Businesses often provide soft skills training through tools like Fuse Universal to help employees hone their skills of connecting with each other and collaborating successfully. 

  • You know how to structure work:

A major role remote employees must play is planning their day in a way to get the most out of it. This means understanding what they need to achieve on priority and structure the day accordingly to get desired results.

An ideal remote work employee must know how to manage their time well by setting realistic goals and achieving them without fail. This will need good organizational skills and strong commitment. 

  • You are capable of balancing work and personal life:

Often employees working remotely can fail to draw boundaries between professional life and personal life, which leads to the lines between them getting blurred. This leads to a poor work-life balance.

Remote work will work out for you if you know how to balance it. You will need to know when to establish clear guidelines for yourself and your colleagues so you are able to work from home without getting exhausted.

  • You can be counted on:

If you are someone that can take a challenge without panicking in the situation, it will become easy for your manager to trust you. They will be able to rely on you to come through in any situation.

This will help you work with greater confidence. It will also keep your morale high and allow you to work in a stress-free way.


Do you relate to these points? If yes, you will be productive and successful in a remote work environment.

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