By Eleojo Usman

For the past 2 years, Kite Financial has committed itself to creating solutions for financial inclusion in Africa. They have processed over $20 million in crypto transactions targeting grassroot adoption and have created amazing features enabling users to have a seamless and educated crypto trading experience.

Kite Financial has not stopped there. In 2023 they intend to launch Clay. Clay is a game developed by the company to solve one of the most pressing and limiting problems in the global crypto space: Low crypto adoption.


The crypto industry has dedicated a lot of resources to push for crypto awareness globally through the use of targeted advertisements and crypto training academies. 

In the first quarter of 2022, the amount spent on advertisements for cryptocurrency was $115 million which was 94% more than what was spent in the fourth quarter of 2021 ($59 million) according to a MediaRadar report shared with Marketing Dive.

Top crypto brands like Coinbase,, eToro, and FTX advertised during the Super Bowl. Their marketing costs totaled $71 million in February 2022 alone. – Media Dive 

In a research experiment conducted by BLOCK, over 50% of 9,500 respondents across 14 countries, representing various socioeconomic standing, gender, and race, say that the lack of Crypto awareness and understanding is the largest barrier to Crypto adoption. 

After years of providing crypto services to aid financial inclusion and adoption in Africa, Kite Financial is coming up with more ways to help Africa discover the wonderful world of crypto. Clay promises to provide a ground-breaking solution.

CLAY by Kite

“Clay” is a mobile game where players match logos representing various cryptocurrencies. The goal is to educate, remind and challenge their minds. The game will allow blockchain-enabled platforms to create contests for their users to participate in and win cool prizes like cryptocurrency, tokens, and other rewards as preferred by the host.

It is a simple puzzle game built to be enjoyed by any age, for leisure and relaxation while strengthening memory and more importantly, learning about the crypto industry and financial markets in the most appealing and fun-filled way.

How does It work? 

It is a puzzle game where the gamer is required to match a set of cards depicting the different logos of different cryptocurrencies within an allotted time.

The user begins with easy levels where they build up their memory as they begin to take on more challenging levels.

If the user isn’t able to match all the cards within the allotted time then they can buy more time by answering a blockchain-related question. 

The importance of the ‘Buy me time’ feature is not just to add time but to subtly teach the user about cryptocurrency and the blockchain. If they get the answer right then time is added to their game but if they fail it, the answer will be shown to them in case the question pops up again when using this feature. 10 points are deducted from the user’s accumulated points for that game.

The more a player engages these questions, the more he/she knows about how crypto works. Even if the player fails the question a few times, the correct information is ingrained into their brain over time.

There are 3 modes the user can play:

  1. Tournament mode – Blockchain-enabled platforms can create fun tournaments for their users to earn crypto rewards. To commemorate their new game, Kite Financial will be having an in-house tournament where the team behind all the magic will be competing. 
  1. Classic Mode – This is where the user plays on his/her own racking up points 

as they move to higher levels.

  1. Play with a friend – The user can add the User ID of another player or invite other people to the game to play with them.

The game is designed to allow the users to have loads of fun while learning about crypto and boosting memory retention.

Why Kite Financial Created Clay

One of the most important goals of Kite Financial is to bring crypto adoption to everyone, no matter who they are and where they are using innovative strategies. Throughout history, games have helped to create strong communities, enable competitiveness and improve thinking abilities e.g. Chess.

Kite is aiming to bring together a community of people who understand the need for crypto adoption in Africa and the awareness of it down to farmers, traders, students, and every single individual imaginable. They have done this using one of the oldest types of game in the world: puzzles.

Research shows that using games in teaching can help increase student participation, foster social and emotional learning, and motivate students to take risks.

Interestingly, around 36% of the puzzle game players, play to learn something that will benefit them outside gaming. 

A study done by the University of Michigan showed that people who did at least 25 minutes of puzzles every day increased their IQ by four points. – Meeple Mountain

According to an article written by Goodnet, puzzles:

  • Exercise both sides of your brain, 
  • Improve short-term memory, 
  • Boost your ability to think critically,
  • Lower your stress levels,
  • Improve your IQ score
  • Enhance visual and spatial reasoning

Clay will be available on the Playstore next year, but until then the Kite Financial Wallet is here to meet all your crypto needs. It is available for download at  

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