Launching a startup is challenging enough without the added burden of identity verification costs. African KYC provider wants to level the playing field, allowing startups to focus on innovation and customer satisfaction. connects startups seamlessly with genuine customers to grow their business. Over the last three years, they‘ve successfully verified three million+ customer identities, witnessing firsthand how KYC compliance costs are challenging for many startups. 

To support aspiring entrepreneurs, is thrilled to announce the “Verified Startup Accelerator Program”. For six months, eligible startups can access their verification services entirely FREE! Yes, you read that correctly.

“We believe empowering startups with secure identity verification is the cornerstone of their success. Our Startup Accelerator Program is a game-changer, providing cutting-edge verification solutions to bolster your business’s growth,” says Joachim Odo, Product Owner,

Empowering Startups with Cost-Free Identity Verification

In Africa, trust is crucial. The Startup Accelerator Program empowers early-stage startups by providing them with over $ 5,000 worth of complimentary verification usage credits for up to six months. With these credits, you can effortlessly protect your business, onboard up to 20,000 genuine customers, and ensure compliance with regulations, all without straining your budget.

The program runs for six months, ensuring you have ample time to leverage our services. Additionally, eligible startups will gain exclusive access to enriching networking sessions, providing opportunities to connect and learn from top experts, fellow entrepreneurs, and market leaders within the African ecosystem.

“Imagine the possibilities when startups can channel their resources into innovation and expansion rather than fretting over fraud. We’ve designed our accelerator program to provide startups with this essential advantage,” adds Joachim Odo.

Unlocking a Suite of Services for Startups

Our Startup Accelerator Program offers a comprehensive suite of services that will help you streamline operations, build customer trust, and concentrate on achieving exponential growth for your startup. Services include:

  • Face Match: Ensure the authenticity of each customer by using advanced facial capture technology to compare their facial features with the photo on their ID.
  • Document Verification: Meet your KYC requirements by cross-checking various identity documents across Africa, ensuring a reliable verification process.
  • Address Verification: Gain detailed insights into your customers’ residency and verify their identity, enhancing your confidence in their legitimacy and proximity.
  • Liveness Detection: Prevent fraudsters from impersonating someone else by checking if the user taking the selfie is a live person in real-time.

“We’re not just offering services; we’re offering a launchpad for startups to thrive in a secure environment. Your success story is our success story,” assures Joachim Odo.

Eligibility and Application

To qualify for this opportunity, your startup must meet the following criteria:

  • Launch Date: Your startup should have launched less than four years ago, reflecting our commitment to supporting early-stage businesses.
  • Working Product: You must have a functioning product already in the market, demonstrating your progress and readiness for growth.
  • Active Customers and Revenue: We encourage startups with active customers to generate revenue, as this indicates market traction and potential for expansion.

Whether in the tech sector, finance, telecoms, payments, healthcare, or any other industry, we encourage you to apply if your startup fulfills the above eligibility criteria.

Sign Up Now to Accelerate Your Growth

With’s Startup Accelerator Program, you have an incredible opportunity to onboard thousands, and even millions, of potential customers while ensuring digital security across multiple key markets, including Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, and Ghana.

You want to take advantage of this chance, as signing up for the program is free. If your application is successful, you gain access to a wide range of invaluable support, cutting-edge verification tools, and valuable mentorship tailored to your startup’s unique needs.

“At, we are committed to empowering startups to flourish in Africa’s dynamic and competitive landscape. Don’t hesitate to sign up now to accelerate your growth and build a secure future for your startup. Your success story begins here,” concludes Joachim Odo.

<Sign Up link>

About is a leading identity verification solution provider in Africa. With a mission to enhance digital trust and security, offers cutting-edge verification services to businesses across various industries. The Verified Startup Accelerator Program empowers early-stage startups with cost-free identity verification services, enabling them to grow confidently and securely in the African market.

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