Earnipay, a fintech company that provides income earners with on-demand access to salaries, is excited to introduce Payroll by Earnipay—a product that caters to all financial needs in a unified platform. 

Just a few months after Nonso Onwuzulike and the peerless team at Earnipay rebranded to help more businesses access and improve payment solutions, the company is set to unveil a new product that promises to become Africa’s topmost fintech solution with integrated payments. 

Earnipay’s commitment to providing employees and businesses flexible access to their accrued salaries on any day of the month has just been made better with Payroll by Earnipay. With the launch of the Payroll solution, businesses can now seamlessly integrate with other suites of financial management solutions. This allows users to access and manage their financial needs from one platform. 

Payroll by Earnipay was built for the CEO who is fed up with the inconvenience of using different platforms for his financial needs, the employee who can now withdraw, save, and initiate other payment needs from the same place, and for the entrepreneur who desires seamless services, ease and accessibility to her company finances. 


Earnipay integrated finances into a unified platform 

Using this new service built by the passionate and talented Earnipay team means a lasting solution to the challenges of managing finances from several platforms. This was after a study of the market insight and direct customer feedback revealed the inconvenience faced by stakeholders, which led to the creation of the  Payroll solution.

Business owners and decision-makers can now relax and launch Payroll by Earnipay, the ultimate comprehensive financial management solution. 

Payroll by Earnipay was built for your convenience. Your company’s finances can now be consolidated in one place. You can now simplify your payroll services, initiate on-demand pay, transfers, and bulk payments through Payroll by Earnipay. 


With Payroll by Earnipay, you can: 

Enjoy a seamless solution for payroll services that go beyond traditional offerings: Your employees can now enjoy a seamless payroll service that goes beyond their access to salaries. 

Operate a business with a unified platform that caters to all financial requirements: Your business finances can now be operated  through a single platform. 

Enjoy the convenience of consolidating financial processes in one place: With Earnipay, say goodbye to inconvenience. Your businesses now enjoy simplifying payroll services, on-demand pay, transfers, and bulk payments with ease.

Access a platform that processes and manages payroll, taxes, remittances, and employee payments cohesively: Payroll by Earnipay is real and here, you now have the accessibility of a secure and cohesive payment system. 

Earnipay is set in its commitment to provide its users with seamless and reliable services as evident in all of its products; on-demand pay, transfers, savings and more over the years. Also, with Payroll by Earnipay, users will enjoy a variety of interesting features all in one place. From an error-free automatic salary computation to tax deductions, remittance, effortless customisation and reporting, dedicated support, and a robust security measure to safeguard sensitive payroll information. Now, more than ever, business owners are assured of an easy and secure financial experience. 

Payroll by Earnipay hopes to be an indispensable product in the fintech market and assures users of Earnipay’s objective and commitment to ease financial services for business owners and to integrate these services into a unified platform for accessibility. 

With Payroll by Earnipay, the team offers its market a unified solution for all financial needs of salary payers and earners. Its platform serves all money needs; from flexible savings options, to on-demand pay, single and bulk payment features, transfers, rewards, and a range of other perks. 

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