In today’s digital world, where connectivity is integral to our daily lives, innovation and the way businesses operate, the demand for reliable super-fast network speeds is exceptionally high. With significantly faster speeds and low latency, 5G has come to shape our world and propel us to achieve more groundbreaking technological advancements, however its full capabilities lie in a true 5G network.

What is a true 5G network?

A true 5G network is built on a standalone (SA) 5G network, which is deployed using newly developed 5G infrastructure. Unlike non-standalone (NSA) 5G networks that utilize existing and older infrastructure used for 4G, 5G standalone is built on a 5G core network, offering superior speeds, ultra-low latency and efficiency; hence allowing users to unlock the full capabilities of 5G.

Introducing mcom: Nigeria’s First True 5G Network

Built on a cloud-based 5G core network, mcom stands as Nigeria’s first standalone 5G network provider. Our 5G network is designed to meet the needs of future technologies that require super fast speeds, ultra-low latency, unparalleled reliability, and increased network capacity.

With unmatched capabilities and scalability, mcom 5G is designed to enable individuals and businesses to get the most out of technology. We want you to reimagine the way you work, live and chill!

Reimagine Remote Work and Learning

Global events have accelerated the shift to remote work and online learning, making high-speed internet connections essential. With mcom, you can experience video conferencing, collaboration tools, and cloud-based applications without lags, ensuring productivity and effective communication.

Reimagine Entertainment

Data-intensive applications such as high-definition video streaming, online gaming, and virtual reality require robust network speeds to provide a seamless and enjoyable user experience. mcom 5G provides lightning-fast data speeds and reliable connection, preventing buffering, lag, and poor quality.

Reimagine E-commerce and Online Banking

The increased speeds and reduced latency of a true 5G network enable smoother transactions, faster page uploads, seamless user experiences, allowing for a more seamless and secure connection between banks, financial institutions, e-commerce platforms and customers.

Reimagine Mobile Internet Experience

mcom 5G enables instant communications, allowing millions of mobile devices to relay data to each other at speeds hundreds times faster. If you enjoy live video streaming and online gaming on your mobile device, you are in for a ride on a super fast lane!

Reimagine Cloud Computing

By providing faster speeds, better reliability and higher capacity, mcom 5G enhances efficiency of data transfer between cloud computing users and cloud-based servers. This ultimately enables users to easily access  data and applications on the go.

Embrace the Future of Technology Today with mcom 5G Routers

Our 5G routers are more than just an upgrade to your network experience, we are enabling a world where the way we connect, communicate and interact with the world around us is completely transformed, and we welcome you to be a part of it!

Ready to embrace the future of connectivity today? Visit to sign up and subscribe to our data plans.

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