The bustling streets of Lagos, hold a role model for innovation: Oradian, a core banking platform provider on a mission to empower financial institutions to expand their reach. Unlike competitors who parachute in from afar, Oradian has chosen to establish a local presence, digging deep roots to truly understand the Nigerian financial landscape. This commitment signifies a core belief – that true partnership thrives on shared ground. 

Imagine navigating the complexities of a new regulatory landscape without a local guide. Oradian’s team in Lagos speaks the language, both literally and figuratively. They understand the intricacies of Nigerian financial regulations, ensuring their solutions meet all legal and data protection requirements. Also, having a local team on the ground translates to faster response times for support and maintenance. No more waiting for emails across time zones – a quick phone call or visit to the Lagos office keeps operations running smoothly. 

But the advantages extend far beyond technical expertise. A team in tune with Nigerian business practices and cultural nuances can tailor solutions to better fit specific customer needs.  We are talking of a banking platform that seamlessly integrates with local payment systems or accommodates unique loan structures preferred by Nigerian consumers. This cultural understanding fosters trust and collaboration, reducing risks associated with outsourcing critical software services. 

Local expertise also allows Oradian adapt its platform to unique market trends and customer requirements. Perhaps a surge in mobile banking adoption necessitates a more robust mobile app solution – Oradian’s local team is on the pulse of these trends, ensuring their platform remains relevant and competitive.

Oradian’s commitment goes beyond simply serving the domestic market. The company’s strategic location positions them as a launchpad for ambitious financial institutions seeking to expand across sub-Saharan Africa. The established infrastructure in Nigeria – a local team, technical expertise, and existing partnerships – provides a solid foundation for supporting regional growth. It’s like having a trusted advisor already set up in the new market, ready to navigate the unfamiliar terrain.

Statistics reveal a stark difference between core banking software providers with a physical presence in Nigeria and those operating remotely. Most of the market is served by companies from afar, potentially missing the intricacies of the local environment. 

This distance can lead to frustrating delays in resolving issues due to time zone differences, impacting operational efficiency. We’d like you to imagine a critical system outage occurring during Nigerian business hours, but the support team is unreachable until the next morning due to a time zone difference. Such delays can cripple operations and damage customer trust.

Communication barriers and cultural differences can further complicate collaboration. Remote providers might struggle to tailor solutions to the specific needs of Nigerian institutions.  Imagine a banking platform designed for a Western market, failing to accommodate the nuances of banking practices prevalent in Nigeria. Oradian’s local presence eliminates these communication gaps, ensuring a smooth and collaborative development process. 


This is where Oradian’s local presence shines. 

Laurin Hainy, CEO of FairMoney Nigeria, highlights the value: “We partnered with Oradian to leverage their existing infrastructure and trusted system performance to scale our solutions to new markets.” Similarly, Tiernan Kennedy, CEO and founder of Umba (Nigeria and Kenya), emphasizes the importance of a strong local partner: “Oradian is both a strong technology and experienced business partner, giving us the confidence to scale and deliver innovation across Nigeria and Kenya.”

With over a decade of experience serving diverse markets, Oradian is a trusted partner for financial institutions seeking to grow in emerging economies like sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Their cloud-native core banking software offers the agility and scalability needed to adapt to evolving needs and seize market opportunities quickly. Integration with the fintech ecosystem streamlines operations and fosters innovation, while data-driven decision making empowers institutions to gain valuable insights into customer behavior and market trends. 

But Oradian understands that software is just one piece of the puzzle. The company prioritises building long-term partnerships through a transparent subscription-based pricing model. Also, their unwavering commitment to local support and training empowers Nigerian financial institutions to unlock their full potential. In other words, there is a team of experts readily available to train staff and answer questions, ensuring a smooth transition to the new platform and maximising its capabilities.

By partnering with Oradian, financial institutions gain access to a one-stop shop for regional expansion. Oradian’s local expertise guides them through navigating regulatory environments, cultural nuances, and business practices in new markets. 

This comprehensive support system significantly reduces risk and accelerates time-to-market for ambitious institutions looking to expand their footprint across sub-Saharan Africa.  Imagine the competitive edge gained by being able to launch operations in a new market quickly and efficiently, with a trusted partner by your side every step of the way.

Ready to unlock the potential of your financial institution and reach new heights? Contact Oradian today and learn more about how their solutions can address your specific needs. 

Together, you can cultivate a thriving financial ecosystem that empowers both your institution and the communities it serves.

Contact Oradian here to learn more about the company’s solutions and how they can solve your specific needs.

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