In a world where technology is evolving at lightning speed, it’s crucial to encourage the younger generation to dream big and think creatively about the future. Bolt took an exciting step in this direction to celebrate this year’s Children’s Day by launching a drawing contest aimed at inspiring kids to envision the future of mobility. This initiative not only fuels young imaginations but also fosters a sense of curiosity and creativity that could shape the transportation solutions of tomorrow.

The premise of the contest was straightforward: ask children to draw their vision of future mobility. The simplicity of this challenge belies the depth of creativity it unlocked. From baby shark cars and race cars to home cars and high-tech balloon vehicles, the range of ideas was as diverse as it was imaginative.

Temiloluwa sees housing and transportation fully merging into one. A “home car” that can take you from school to the park easily while giving you time to have lunch and change your clothes in between. With this initiative, there’s more land available to build more parks/gardens and there are less cars on the road.

Kendrick’s a huge Baby Shark fan and his idea of making our NIgerian cities better is having shared rides which puts less cars on the road – one thing though, these cars have to be designed as Baby shark characters. 

Children from various age groups were encouraged to participate, ensuring a wide array of perspectives. The best submission is used as the car icon that shows up in the Bolt app.

Just like Kendrick, Elena believes the future of transportation is car sharing… Multiple people booking and sharing a single ride. This will ensure less pollution on our roads.

Just like Kendrick, Elena believes the future of transportation is car sharing… Multiple people booking and sharing a single ride. This will ensure less pollution on our roads.

Murewa believes that in the future, cars will have high-tech hot balloon mechanisms that can allow them to float and beat Lagos traffic. This will free up the roads and streets in our cities – btw they will float lower than airplanes to avoid air traffic.

Through this initiative, Bolt is not only celebrating creativity but also paving the way for a future where innovative mobility solutions are driven by the dreams and ideas of today’s children.

A Day of Fun and Learning

Beyond the drawing contest, ​​Bolt took this year’s Children’s Day celebration to new heights by hosting an event that combined fun, learning, and inspiration. Bolt’s Children’s Day event was designed to be both entertaining and educational, providing a platform for kids to explore their creativity while learning about the world of transportation and technology. 

The event featured a variety of activities tailored to different age groups, ensuring that every child had a memorable and enriching experience.

Children also won amazing prizes such as laptop, kids tablets and toys for every kid in attendance. Bolt’s Children’s Day celebration was more than just a fun-filled event; it was a beacon of inspiration for the next generation.

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