In a bold move to chart new paths in the African tech landscape, Gerald Black, Partner at Black Ops and host of the Backend Series, has launched the groundbreaking initiative “Discovering New Tech Destinations Across Africa.” This ambitious project seeks to uncover emerging markets and opportunities across the continent, providing valuable insights and fostering innovation in regions that are ripe for growth.

The Urgent Need for New Markets

The economic challenges in Nigeria have put immense pressure on tech founders and stakeholders to seek new avenues for sustainable growth and foreign exchange. This initiative aims to address these challenges by identifying and exploring tech ecosystems in various African countries, thus opening up new markets and opportunities for tech-driven development.

Gerald Black, the visionary behind this project, emphasised the urgency of this endeavour: “With the current economic outlook, we must look beyond our borders and explore new markets that can drive sustainable business growth. Africa is brimming with untapped potential, and this project aims to spotlight these emerging tech destinations.”

Objectives and Methodology

The “Discovering New Tech Destinations Across Africa” project has set out with four key objectives:

  1. Market Expansion: Providing on-the-ground information to help founders and entrepreneurs explore and expand into new markets.
  2. Investment Opportunities: Identifying alternative markets for investors to deploy capital and foster innovation.
  3. Tech Nomad Destinations: Highlighting new destinations for digital and tech nomads seeking vibrant tech communities within Africa.
  4. Market Bridge: Creating a bridge between Nigeria and other African markets to foster collaboration and exchange.

The project employs a robust methodology involving extensive research, data collection through surveys and interviews, and site visits. The team evaluates factors such as economic stability, tech ecosystem maturity, government policies, and infrastructure to select the most promising destinations.

Season 1: Key Destinations

For the inaugural season, the project has identified five key destinations that hold immense potential:

  • Benin: Emerging as a tech landscape with increasing investment in digital infrastructure.
  • Sierra Leone: Developing a tech ecosystem with growing support for innovation and startups.
  • Uganda: Rapidly expanding tech sector with a focus on mobile and digital solutions.
  • Côte d’Ivoire: Promising market with significant government support for the tech industry.
  • Botswana: Stable economic environment with a strong focus on technology-driven development.

Piloting with Benin’s Tech Ecosystem

To kick off the project, the team piloted in Benin, delving into the country’s tech ecosystem and meeting with various stakeholders. These interactions provided invaluable insights into Benin’s growing digital landscape and the opportunities it presents for tech-driven innovation and economic growth.

Gerald Black shared his experience: “Benin has shown tremendous potential with its burgeoning tech scene. Our meetings with local entrepreneurs, investors, and government officials highlighted the country’s commitment to fostering a vibrant tech ecosystem.”

Expected Outcomes

The insights and experiences gathered from this project will be shared through multiple formats:

  • Vlog: Capturing the team’s journey and experiences, providing a visual and engaging account.
  • Articles & Podcasts: Producing in-depth long-form articles and podcasts to discuss findings and share valuable insights.
  • Meet & Greet Events: Organising events to facilitate connections within the tech ecosystems of the identified destinations.

Impact and Benefits

This initiative is poised to make a significant impact on the African tech landscape by:

  • Providing founders with access to new markets and growth opportunities.
  • Offering investors new avenues for capital deployment.
  • Helping tech nomads discover vibrant new destinations within Africa.
  • Promoting economic growth through the creation of new business opportunities and jobs.

Get Involved

Stakeholders, investors, and tech enthusiasts are invited to join this exciting journey. There are multiple ways to get involved:

  • Collaboration: Partner with the team to explore and promote new tech destinations.
  • Support: Provide financial or logistical support to help achieve the project’s goals.
  • Engagement: Attend meet & greet events and engage with the highlighted tech communities.

For more information and to watch the pilot episode exploring Benin’s tech ecosystem, please visit Gerald Black’s YouTube channel.


“Discovering New Tech Destinations Across Africa” is more than just a project; it’s a movement to uncover and nurture the next wave of tech innovation across the continent. With strategic collaboration and insightful exploration, this initiative promises to unlock new frontiers for tech growth and development in Africa.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights as the journey unfolds.

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