
Nigeria’s discussion forum, TalkAfrica, has decried the shuttering of posts and threads related to it on Nairaland, the top-ranked Nigerian discussion forum owned by Seun Osewa.

TalkAfrica was the subject of an earlier TechCabal feature pointing out similarities between the network and the incumbent Nairaland. TalkAfrica told TechCabal that over 240 posts and topics related to TalkAfrica on Nairaland has been blocked by Nairaland editors.


Managers of TalkAfrica, Ellitist media, told TechCabal that they believe the censorship is unwarranted. “Nairaland’s hostility to TalkAfrica is unnecessary because both forums are not in competition as Seun Osewa thinks. Our business models are completely different and never conflicting.”

Both networks use the turn of the millenium open-source message board program, Simple Machines Forum (SMF) developed by The Simple Machines Organization. Both networks use the program without much customization which leaves both platforms as clones of each other.

TechCabal has reached out to Seun for statement on the development and will update accordingly.

Image: Talk Africa, Nairaland

Olumuyiwa Coker Author

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