South African-based startup, TaxTim, has revealed its partnership with Price WaterHouse Coopers (PWC), a tax and advisory firm and its plan to launch its services in Namibia, Disrupt Africa reports.
TaxTim enables users file their tax-returns through a chat-based platform with a virtual assistant asking questions to accurately help users complete the return. TaxTim is incorporated with South African Revenue Service (SARS) e-filing system, which enables users submit their tax return directly through the portal.
“We designed TaxTim from the ground up to be country-agnostic, so customizing the platform with tax rules and branding for Namibia was straightforward and relatively quick,” TaxTim co-founder and chief technology officer (CTO) Evan Robinson said in the report. Our server runs on Amazon’s elastic compute cloud and can scale to meet even the heaviest taxpayer traffic, including the annual rush for last minute submissions.”
Launched in South Africa in 2011, TaxTim received seed funding from the Google Umbono incubator programme and the startup is banking on 15 PwC tax advisers for the Namibian roll-out.
Prices for the service will start at NAD370 ($30) and is available on the official website.
Image: Durbanzone