The Tech Community in Africa has witnessed huge growth in the last decade due to the establishment of tech start-ups and the generation of huge funding by these start-ups. While this is a great feat that is worth celebrating, a sense of community is greatly needed.

One such ground-breaking endeavor is Tech Connect Africa (TCA), a global social enterprise with a mission to unify the global African diaspora and pave the way for a future of tech that embraces culture, connection, and community.

Tech Connect Africa was brought to life by three visionary leaders—Jeminatu Alabi-Isama, Ayodele Duyile, and Lord Osei-Ofori. Drawing from their extensive experiences at prominent tech giants like Google and Meta, this trio has successfully gathered like-minded individuals to form an incredible tech community. Jeminatu serves as the Education Sales Lead at Google, Ayodele as a Senior Technical Product Manager, and Lord as a Program Manager at Meta.

Since its inception, the Tech Connect Africa community has witnessed remarkable growth, boasting more than 287 tech companies and 52 CEOs working across various tech domains such as AI, FinTech, XR, infrastructure, and product management. This thriving community has become a hub for collaboration, innovation, and networking.

In 2022, Tech Connect Africa organized networking summits in Kenya, Ghana, and Nigeria, bringing together industry leaders from Meta, Google, Microsoft, Uber, and more. These summits facilitated informal discussions on critical topics like emerging start-ups, fintech, crypto, and talent sourcing, setting the stage for what promises to be an even more impactful event in the coming year.

The Flagship Conference – Lagos 2023:

The highlight of Tech Connect Africa’s calendar is undoubtedly its Flagship Conference and this year, all eyes are on Lagos. Scheduled between 12 PM – 7 PM on the 22nd of December 2023 at the prestigious Lagos Continental Hotel, VI, this conference is set to surpass previous editions in scale and significance.

The theme for this year’s conference, “Unifying the African Diaspora through AI Innovation” couldn’t be more timely. In a year where Artificial Intelligence takes center stage in the global tech conversation, Tech Connect Africa is ensuring that the African Tech Space is not left behind. The conference aims to explore how AI can be harnessed to empower communities, drive innovation, and create lasting connections across the diaspora.

If you’re either a start-up founder or a seasoned tech executive, the Tech Connect Africa conference in Lagos provides a unique opportunity to connect with influential figures in the industry. With past sponsors including industry giants like Google, Meta, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Bolt, attendees can expect unparalleled networking opportunities and insights.

Eager to be part of this transformative experience? Tickets are available on Tech Connect Africa’s official website at Additionally, you can become part of the Tech Connect Africa community by following them on Instagram, joining their vibrant WhatsApp community, and connecting on LinkedIn for the latest updates and discussions.

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