
No matter how good your memory is, it won’t be easy keeping up with all your responsibilities. For a while, putting down daily plans on paper was the only option, but with the availability of mobile apps, it helps you take your personal productivity much further. Developers build concepts to help you organize huge projects, set deadlines, manage recurring tasks, and even set location-based reminders. Find the right one, and there’s a very good chance you’ll be more productive.

Below is a collection of five to-do list managers that can help you keep up in real time. In no particular order:

1) Todoist offers useful and interesting features such as: Simplifying your task and projects into smaller sub-tasks and sub-projects. Takes notes, notifications, real-time synchronization, reminders, multiple priority, labels and filters, powerful recurring dates, and can have a view of your productivity treads over a period of time.
Todoist is available on 13 platforms (web, Android phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, Windows, Mac OS, Chrome, Firefox, Outlook, Thunderbird, Gmail, Postbox).

2) has a clean interface. It is simply designed with features like notes, daily planner, upload files, notification, list management, share and delegate, and action shortcuts. It works on: iOS, Android, Google Chrome.

3) Wunderlist works on iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, Kindle, Web.
It has great functions like: add sub-tasks, assign to-do’s to collaborators, add notes, and set repeated events.

4) Evernote to-do becomes more functional when used as a default bookmark or webclip app, notetaker, recipe box and so on. You can also record information on the audio enable function.

5) Google Keep is a simple notepad that keeps images, checklist, voice notes, and other text notes synchronized across devices and stored in the cloud. It is available on the web and for Android.

Photo Credit: Gustavo da Cunha Pimenta via Compfight cc
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