You have finally done it: you have produced an amazing mobile game for gamers all over the world, or in other cases an application for your company.

Now, people all over the globe can play your game or engage with you in ways they never have before, and the data you are getting from the application is helping you come up with new methods to sell your business.

But there’s one more thing you can do to improve your app’s business value: monetise it.

That’s right: your app has the potential to be much more than a tool. It may also be a significant source of additional earnings for your company. Why not, right? You have probably seen advertising in YouTube videos, now Facebook has followed suit to generate extra money.

But you don’t know how. Well, you are not the first one who has never heard the word mobile ad platform. Very understandable name but there’s more. Let’s find out and make some money.

What Is Ad Monetization?

The technique of making money from your mobile app through ad revenue is known as ad monetization. On the surface, this appears to be a straightforward task: place adverts in the app and earn money.

Consider the following scenario: you are playing a video game and your character has three lives, all of which you have used up. A page appears, stating that you will receive an additional life if you watch the next five-second video.

In the above scenario, the company whose video will be played is paying money to the gaming app for that advertisement.

However, for app developers, increasing ad monetization income may be incredibly difficult.

It is hard because to get a significant amount of revenue from these ads, you will have to include more than one source and all of them will pay you by different categories. It will all depend on the views, click, and leads generated through your app.

How To Monetize An App?

There are more than one ways to monetize your app. You can hire services like Pangle as a mobile ad platform to get your app monetized. Following are some methods to monetize your app.

  1. Upgrade For Premium Version Strategy

No one likes seeing so many ads, especially if the app is made so good and beneficial that people use it most of the time. To use it more effectively, they will pay for a better, premium, and ad-free version. This is where you will make money again by selling a paid premium version of the same app just without ads.

The advantages of this method are twofold. On the one hand, it gives a free alternative for consumers to test out the app’s basic functions. On the other side, it gives the app owner company an expanding user base, which can be used to monetize the app through in-app purchases or advertising.

  1. The Upgrade To Remove Ads Strategy

Most users dislike seeing advertising in their applications and will gladly pay to have them removed. Many app makers provide two variants of their application: a free version with advertisements and a premium version with no ads. When such an app is monetized, the money comes from direct sales and downloads instead of advertisements.

Here you can earn from both, the ads as well as the paid version. Your collaboration with other companies will make you money from the free version through ads and once the consumer gets sick of them, he will pay to remove them making you money instantly.

It is not advised as no one likes so many ads. Keep your app user-friendly and implement this strategy using a professional mobile ad platform.

How To Get Most Out Of You Monetized App?

When it comes to monetizing an app, you should use a variety of strategies. It’s the most efficient technique to make the most money from monetization. Providing in-game goodies in return for viewing a video promo is a typical tactic.

The lengthier your clip is, the more money you will make. Custom video adverts are also available through particular ad networks. You will get compensated for watching the video as well as for anybody who clicks on it and purchases the promoted product.

Sponsors are ready to spend more per viewer since video commercials engage at a higher percentage than flat ads.

Customers will be less eager to pay if they are unaware of the product or if they can perform the same thing for free using a free app.

You will have to invest in the start but as you gain popularity you will start making big bucks. 

Here’s a great tip for the start. Giveaways provide customers the opportunity to try out your items. On social media, you may launch giveaway promotions.

Digital marketing may help you establish an innovation culture. Create a blog for your company and distribute technical papers. Get the words out in the streets first and then monetize it.


Today, we do have technologies that allow individuals to sustain rich bonds with vast groups of people for the first time in the history of mankind. The online world is the medium that has truly transformed the advertising environment. It is the single most significant event in the last two decades that has completely transformed the ad-watching experience.

Spend months, ideally, generating anticipation for your impending software and promoting the prototype as much as possible. When you use that technique, instead of launching the app blindly and hoping for the best, you will be able to guarantee a certain quantity of sales.

You may monetize your app using a variety of well-known technologies and platforms. App monetization may be difficult work for a newcomer, and you must focus on using effective methods and approaches to create the correct procedure.

Monetization tactics for apps may be complex, and they differ significantly from those for layouts or programs. You may make money with your app in a number of different ways. Take the time to become familiar with all of these techniques.

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