Mobile security app, Lookout got some new features added to it, but unlike many of the app’s current features, which focus on defending users from digital threats like malware and spyware; this newest version helps users protect their mobile devices against thieves.

The app’s new theft alerts will provide users with information that will help them recover lost or stolen devices, within a minute of when suspicious activity is detected.

Users can modify the list of actions that trigger the theft alerts. For Android devices, these actions are removing the SIM card, enabling airplane mode, turning the phone off, entering the wrong passcode and changing the device’s admin permissions. For iOS users, theft alerts will only be prompted by SIM card removal and enabling airplane mode.

Whenever the alert is activated, the device takes a picture it’s front-facing camera (for Android users), records its precise location and sends these in a theft alert email to the user.

Lookout’s iOS and Android app are both free, but the Theft Alerts require a subscription fee of $2.99 a month or $29.99 a year. Existing Lookout users will be able to use theft alerts without a subscription till September.

Odunayo Eweniyi Author

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