Swappaholics.com   The Interactive Swapping Portal-001
Swappaholics is a Ghana based bartering website.

The website allows users list items they want to swap and clearly state what they want in exchange. Other members of the platform interested in the exchange can then indicate interest and further interact on how to meet up for the exchange.

“Swappaholics is an interactive portal that empowers individuals and businesses to exchange products, skills or services in a mutually beneficial social setting”, says Francis Obirikorang, Swappaholics’ CEO, “Swappaholics encourages cashless trading and enables everyone to trade irrespective of their financial status.”

Swappaholics offers no other major service for users. For example, it is not clear how the startup will verify the authenticity of users of the platform and also there seem to be no way to inform users of deals available on the site since “other swappaholics browsing the site will [have to] discover your post”.

Registration on the website is currently free. In its pitch on VC4Africa, the startup indicates that it plans to monetize via a premium SMS subscription service and in-app advertising.

Launched in 2014, Swappaholics has over 100 registered users and has recorded over 300 successful swaps. The startup has released its Android App on the Play Store. Swappaholics is currently fundraising on VC4Africa and has so far raised $30,000.

Lulu Fadoju Author

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