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It takes between 21 to 28 days to break a habit, experts say. That’s 21 to 28 days of regimented living and being forced to do what you would rather not, despite knowing they are beneficial in the long run.

The only other problem is, technology has sort of given these bad habits the cool factor. But don’t be deceived. These are terrible babits and we (mostly) don’t have a clue:

1: Procrastination:

I love Pocket. A lot. The app allows you save up articles you don’t have the time to read at the time, for later offline reading. The only problem is, one is tempted to save everything on the interwebs. Initially, when I started using Pocket, I would read up all my saved articles on my 50 minute commute home, but now, well, let’s just say my Pocket backlog is fruitful. Of course, no one is going to hold me to that, no one even knows it’s a bad habit.

2: Dining table multitasking:

The fifth dinner guest used to be discomfiting until technology made it cool to steal a glance at the smartphone to check a text during a family dinner or even answer a phone with a bluetooth device. With Apple Watch in the mix now, it’s even easier to get distracted during dinner. On a first date, the lady could comfortably coordinate a friend’s bridal shower from Apple Watch. See, you think that’s also cool.

3: Stuttering, hemming and hawing, and upspeaking

Blame the Silicon Valley billionaires for this, especially the millennials. These tech folks up in Silicon Valley have made throwing hems and haws in between our sentences rather trendy. We also like to speak like we are having micro-seizures and make statements of fact as though they’re questions. 

Richard from the HBO series, Silicon Valley suffers a benign version of seizure-speaking.


Gbenga Onalaja Author

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