Courage is a software engineer at while also currently leading the engineering team at Tinsight on a part time basis. 

With over six years of experience in software development, Courage is adept at designing and implementing scalable, high-performance applications. His expertise spans Software development and Generative AI, enabling him to create cohesive and efficient software solutions. Courage’s passion for problem-solving, combined with his commitment to leveraging the latest industry advancements, allows him to deliver exceptional value by addressing complex challenges with cutting-edge technology.

Explain your job to a five-year-old

Imagine you have a lot of LEGO blocks in different shapes and colors. You want to build a really cool castle with a dragon, a tower, and a moat. But, you need to follow some steps to make it happen! 

Software development is like building with LEGOs, but instead of blocks, we use special instructions called “code” to create something new and cool on a computer or phone.

What motivated you to pursue a career in software development?

I’ve always been fascinated by how things work and how technology can solve problems. When I was younger, I loved puzzles and games that require strategic thinking. In 2013 I contracted someone to build a product to solve the challenges of getting an apartment in Nigeria, but after building key functionalities were not working. Lacking the finance to rebuild with a more competent company, I decided to learn coding. 

What do you enjoy most about working?

At, I love the mission-driven aspect of the work. Knowing that the software we develop can have a positive impact on students’ lives is incredibly fulfilling. At Tinsight, I enjoy the fast-paced environment and the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects. Leading the engineering team allows me to mentor others and shape the direction of our projects. The combination of mission-driven work and innovation makes both roles deeply satisfying.

How do you approach problem-solving when faced with a complex issue in a project?

 When I encounter a complex problem, I break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This helps me understand the root cause and identify potential solutions. I also rely on collaboration—discussing the issue with team members often brings new perspectives that can lead to creative solutions. I’m a big believer in iterative problem-solving, where you try out a solution, learn from it, and refine it until you get the desired outcome. Patience and persistence are key.

 What role do you think AI will play in the future of software development?

AI is already transforming software development in many ways, from automating repetitive tasks to enabling more intelligent decision making in systems. In the future, I believe AI will become even more integrated into the development process. AI will also open up new possibilities for creating applications that can learn and adapt over time. However, human creativity and problem-solving will still be crucial, as AI will be a tool to enhance, not replace, the work we do.

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out in software development?

My biggest advice would be to stay curious and never stop learning. The field of software development is vast, and there’s always something new to explore. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, they’re a crucial part of the learning process. Also, focus on building a strong foundation in the basics of programming. Once you have that, you can branch out into more specialized areas. Lastly, build on a lot of projects. It will help you apply everything you are learning. Passion drives progress, and when you’re passionate about what you’re doing, it doesn’t feel like work.

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