I dunno when the “duh!” moment occurred for Kuluya. Well obviously for a while now, because they’ve finally managed to push out four game titles to mobile, and that takes time to do.

I played Oga at the top on my Windows Phone for close to thirty minutes yesterday evening. That’s the longest I’ve spent with any Kuluya game ever, and I came away impressed not necessarily by the game’s awesomeness, but by how much better the overall gaming experience is compared to the flash crud they’ve got on their website.

The game mechanics are still dodgy in many places, but it’s less buggy, less jarring and not addled with any of their usual annoying popups to signup. In fact, I signed up of my own accord AFTER I had played a game and gotten a high score I was proud of. With the web games, it didn’t seem like much attention was paid to the user experience. With mobile, someone clearly is now.

For a time killer type of game, Oga at the top is not half bad. They should have done this (mobile) a long time ago. Well done.

oga at the top

oga at the top two

oga at the top three

Bankole Oluwafemi Author

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