New hires 🧠

As part of our growth objectives, we added some extra hands to the newsroom this year.

Morris Kiruga led TechCabal’s as Head of Newsroom for 6 months. During his time in the newsroom, Morris provided high-level guidance on editorial coverage and business reporting. He also helped us fine-tune how we write stories, find sources, and chase leads. Morris will be moving on to explore other professional endeavors in 2023.

Ephraim Modise joined us as a junior reporter for the Southern African region; Caleb Nnamani is a junior writer who contributes to TC Daily and TC Weekender; and Muktar Oladunmade is a junior writer who covers daily technology stories and startup funding news.

New products 🎁

This year, we launched two exciting newsletters and a newsletter referral program.

Entering Tech is a weekly newsletter that curates insights, tips, and resources for anyone interested in landing their first, second, or third job in tech. Weekly editions go out on Wednesdays at at 3 PM (WAT).

Entering Tech

TC Weekender publishes the biggest technology stories you missed during the week. This weekend newsletter goes out on Saturdays at 9 AM (WAT).

TC Weekender

Tell a friend to tell a friend about TechCabal’s referral program. When you share TC Daily with someone who loves African business and technology news, you stand a chance to win something cool – like a new phone – from us.

On a final note, happy holidays and see you in 2023 🧹

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